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4 Tips For Giving Your Home A Deep Clean
January 10, 2023

4 Tips For Giving Your Home A Deep Clean

Sure, you keep your home clean on a regular basis and give it that extra once-over before company arrives. But when’s the last time you gave your home a truly deep clean? 
Clean house

As it turns out, there are a few extra serious house-cleaning projects that will not only make your home more comfortable overall, but that will also add to your home’s long-term value. Better yet, these projects will help you avoid unneeded home insurance claims. Check out the best “deep clean” projects you can do for your home below. 

1. Deep Clean The Dishwasher 

After reading this heading, you might ask, Doesn’t the dishwasher get clean every time you run it? 

Well, not really. Your dishwasher does maintain a relative level of cleanliness, but it also needs a good cleaning itself every now and again. In fact, dishwasher malfunctions are generally caused by problems that regular cleanings would fix. 

2. Have Your Carpets Deep Cleaned 

While your carpets probably look relatively clean — especially after a good vacuuming — the truth is they’re probably dirty. Carpet dust and grime lurks at the base of the pile, and the deeper the pile, the more dust and grime that’s likely built up there. 

Fortunately, this isn’t a job you’ll have to do yourself (unless you want to). You can hire a carpet cleaning service to come in and clean the carpets professionally. If you do want to do the cleaning yourself, you can rent a carpet cleaner at your nearest big box home improvement store. 

3. Have Your Roof Professionally Inspected 

Your roof is the part of your home that costs the most to repair or replace. Unfortunately, a lot of things can go wrong up there — from insect and rodent infestations to leaks and mold. Having your roof professionally inspected can help you catch serious problems before they start. Catching these issues early can help you avoid a full roof replacement, saving you thousands of dollars. 

4. Replace Your Air Filters 

Most heating and air conditioning systems require the use of air filters, but you need to replace them regularly. Not only can leaving these filters on too long cause problems for your heating and cooling system, but it can also reduce the quality of air in your home. 

By taking care of these deep cleaning projects at least once each year, you can save a bundle on potential home insurance claim costs. Just as importantly, you can improve the overall value of your home. 

Tags: Homeowners Insurance

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